• ‘an incredible international showcase’

    CLASH Magazine
  • Dalse Yoon Young, Kong (Zandari Festa, South Korea)

    Dalse Yoon-Young Kong has been Executive Director of Zandari Festa since it was
    launched first in 2012. He started his career with concert and artist management in
    Kangaji Culture and Art, the first indie label in Korea. He directed and managed
    parties at Nori People Party Company. In 2010, Dalse worked at DFSB, a digital music
    distribution and international music business company, in charge of artist management
    and international businesses. In 2018 to 2022, he successfully organized the DMZ Peace Train Festival with the mission to appreciate freedom and peace going beyond the walls of state, politics, economy, ideology, and ethnicity with the power of music, serving as artistic director.  As of 2024, he is running a company called Hike.  Hike is preparing a variety of IP businesses as the producer of a band called Leenalchl.