• ‘Forward thinking welsh music industry showcase’

  • Kai Lehmann (Cabin Artists, Germany)

    Kai has seen various angles of the music business, since the late nineties, when he started to write, compose and tour internationally as musician. He used to work as booker and promoter before he’s founded Cabin Artists, a management and live agency, in 2018.

    His live roster includes award-winning artists like The Strumbellas, genre-defining musicians like Luke Howard, James Heather, Black Sea Dahu, Cash Savage & The Last Drinks as well as highly acclaimed new talents like Cerys Hafana, C’est Karma and Pablo Brooks – just to name a few, booking them in Europe, UK and Asia as well as representing them exclusively in the GSA territory. As management, Kai is representing the genre-breaking composers Büsra Kayikci and Friederike Bernhardt (a.k.a Moritz Fasbender).

    He’s driven by passion and the goal to create individualized, long term strategies for his clients, working close with them and their partners, to achieve remark- and sustainable, successfully careers and to support and foster their creative development.
