• ‘an incredible international showcase’

    CLASH Magazine
  • Sian James (Recordiau Bos)

    Siân yw un o gantorion cyfoes mwyaf blaenllaw Cymru ac un o’n prif aroleswyr ym myd cerddoriaeth traddodiadol. Canai’r delyn Geltaidd, mae’n bianydd o fri, ac yn gyfansoddwr. Mae ei dawn fel perfformwraig wedi mynd â hi i theatrau a gwyliau cerddorol ledled y byd ac fe’i pherchir fel un o’n prif llysgenhadon cerddorol. Erbyn hyn, rhyddhawyd deg albym o’i gwaith – casgliadau eclectig o ganeuon gwreiddiol a thraddodiadol a gwmpasai ein emosiynau tyfnaf, o gariad a chwerthin, i golled a’r byd ysbrydol. Mae ei hanturiaethau cerddorol diweddaraf yn cynnwys bod yn aelod o’r grwp Iwyddiannus Pedair.

    One of Wales’ leading contemporary female vocalists and a foremost innovator in the field of traditional folk songs. She plays Celtic harp and is an excellent pianist and composer. Her versatility as a performer has seen her starring on stage, screen and concert venues throughout the world, and is respected as one of Wales’ leading ambassadors of song. She has to date released ten albums of her work – eclectic collections of both original and traditional songs which encompass the whole gamut of human emotion, from love and laughter, to loss and the spiritual world. Her most recent musical venture is with the successful group Pedair.
